Click Updates to navigate to the updates page.Stay in MiKTeX user mode tells MiKTeX Console that you want to work on the private.
ThisĪllows you to operate on the system-wide part of the TeX installation. For this reason, MiKTeX Console asks you to switch/confirm the operation mode, if you have a system-wide setup: If you have installed MiKTeX system-wide, this is not necessarily what you want. Operation modeīy default, MiKTeX Console runs in MiKTeX user mode and so operates on your private MiKTeX configuration.
MiKTeX Console is a desktop application, i.e, it can be started in the usual way by searching and clicking MiKTeX Console in the application launcher (Windows start menu, Unity Dash, macOS Launchpad).
Most often you will use it to get package updates. MiKTeX Console is the tool you use to manage your TeX installation.